• 在你的房子里,不要有任何事物是你不知道究竟有用的,或不相信是否究竟是美丽的。

    - 威廉·莫里斯


    用一幅画作来设计一座房子。这正是Felipe PantonePablo Limón在这一颠覆体裁的展示中企图去做的其目的运用加实际的设计方法与建筑式样来培育的为艺术而生的艺术。Casa Variable不仅仅是一个展览,是一个非同寻常的、奇丽的强烈的、艺术性的、结合生活的陈述。

  • Casa Variable, Art and Architecture Complete by Magda Danysz Born from the pooling of the skills, inspirations and dreams of...

    Felipe Pantone, Casa Variable Floor Plan 1, collaboration with Pablo Limón, 2021, ink on paper, 118 x 84 cm

    Casa Variable, Art and Architecture Complete by Magda Danysz

    Born from the pooling of the skills, inspirations and dreams of artist Felipe Pantone and designer Pablo Limón, ‘Casa Variable’ is a work of art and an architectural project... But it is also much more. It is at the same time a device, a series of principles, an exhibition, a journey and a house to live in. The artistic project unfolds here in the form of an exhibition - a tangible experience - which in line with the activatable integral pieces of artists such as Sol LeWitt leads us both to conceive mentally and to experience the making of a private house.

    This house stems from an original work by Felipe Pantone. An initial seed, this two-dimensional painting is representative of the work of Felipe Pantone. From this embryo were born floorplans, then a three-dimensional perspective and a model, as if the starting work was the aerial view of the project. The major aspect that has evolved is the scale. The shapes and colors remain the same, without ever betraying the art of Felipe Pantone both in its graphic language and its chromatic vibrations. In this experience where art is transformed into architecture, the abstraction of Felipe Pantone stands out as both the initial inspiration and the challenge to overcome. Enriched in contact with Pablo Limón, the work becomes functional both in its entirety and in the details. The mosaic swimming pool is visible from above, while furniture, chairs and rugs are deployed inside the house, in harmony with everything. We realize that these details were most likely already inscribed in the matrix of the original painting, but its abstraction served as a metaphor for a plan just waiting to come to life.

  • In his work Felipe Pantone stands out as a worthy heir to the 20th century optico-kinetic precursors. With the 'Casa...

    Felipe Pantone, Chromadynamica Circular Rug, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021, 100% wool, 220 cm in diameter

    In his work Felipe Pantone stands out as a worthy heir to the 20th century optico-kinetic precursors. With the 'Casa Variable' project, the anchoring in the history of art goes back even further, echoing the notion of Total Art that emerged in the 19th century and probably laid the foundations of modernity in art.

    ‘Total Art’ or ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ in German, as theorized then, aims to encompass several creative forms. It already fascinated the essayist Tradndorff in 1827, as well as his contemporary Wagner, as a form of search for an absolute ideal in the aesthetic field. In his two essays, written in 1849, ‘Art and Revolution’ and ‘Work of the Future’, Wagner writes about "the accomplishment of works of the future" and underlines his dream of bringing together all forms of art, through theater in his case.

    The Gesamtkunstwerk is based on broad values, and even beliefs, which irrigate our world more broadly. The creators who adopted it favor collaboration between artists and different forms of expression with the avowed aim of creating environments, whether physical, made of sounds or other creative ways, with the potential to build a more equitable and perhaps utopian society.

    Thanks to Felipe Pantone and Pablo Limón, the visual and chromatic value of what surrounds us is also here put at the service of a total project. More than a work of art, it is also about creating real architecture, a real home to live in. Or, conversely, to build a house, which is activated like a real work of art ... ‘Casa Variable’ aims at creating a fair and consistent unity. But what is being consistent these days? In its form, ‘Casa Variable’ aligns art and architecture with precision. The project also touches on the values that are shaking the planet, from integrity to environmental sustainability through collaboration, but also questioning the intellectual values of art.

    ‘Casa Variable’ is an experience to be lived, that is felt physically. The union between the work and the metaphor it carries brings together art, architecture and even design in an extremely coherent way. Rarely in the Gesamtkunstwerk has painting been the trigger for such an experience, the completion of which, it should be noted, will be effective with the construction of the Casa Variable. ◼︎

  • 关于两个人的故事

    Felipe Pantone, Subtractive Variability Chair #2, collaboration with Pablo Limón, 2021, UV paint on PMMA, 70 x 41 x 35 cm


    Casa Variable项目诞生于艺术家Felipe Pantone和设计师Pablo Limón之间的一段持续对话。两人长期以来都希望将各自的艺术领域与创新视野融入到一个共同项目中。如今,在巴黎Danysz画廊举办的这独一无二的跨媒体展览将一切变为了现实。来自Felipe Pantone的棱镜色彩和几何体与Pablo Limón的时尚设计和野兽派建筑相结合的概念杰作。我想做些不同的事情,”Pantone说,采取创新的方法,尝试不同的事物,而Pablo就是那个最适合的合作人。



    - Felipe Pantone

  • 包罗万象的艺术作品

    Felipe Pantone, Chromadynamica #133, 2021, UV paint on PMMA, 150 x 330 cm


    Pantone“Carlos Cruz-Diez总是谈论着要在艺术中生活Casa Variable便是这一理念的化身,其雄心是创造一件包罗万象的艺术作品,从家具到游泳池,到邮箱,甚至门把手所有的东西都指向相同的美学理想。展览的关键元素是一座房子,这座房子的模型向参观者展示了真实的住宅模样。建筑每个部分的蓝图也是展览的一部分,Limón说,这样观看展览的人们便明白这个项目不是所谓的幻想,而是真正可以实现的。



    - Felipe Pantone

    • Felipe Pantone Optichromie #139, 2021 Enamel and UV paint on aluminum composite panel 100 x 200 cm 39 3/8 x 78 3/4 in
      Felipe Pantone
      Optichromie #139, 2021
      Enamel and UV paint on aluminum composite panel
      100 x 200 cm
      39 3/8 x 78 3/4 in
    • Felipe Pantone Subtractive Variability Circular #10 , 2021 UV paint on PMMA Diameter 150 cm / Diameter 59 in
      Felipe Pantone
      Subtractive Variability Circular #10 , 2021
      UV paint on PMMA
      Diameter 150 cm / Diameter 59 in
    • Felipe Pantone, Chromadynamica Circular Rug, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      Felipe Pantone, Chromadynamica Circular Rug, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
    • Felipe Pantone, Painting, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Chromadynamica Manipulable #17, 2021
      UV paint on aluminum composite panel
      105 x 215 cm
      41 3/8 x 84 5/8 in
    • Felipe Pantone, Chromadynamica Painting, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Chromadynamica #133, 2021
      UV paint on PMMA
      150 x 330 cm
      59 1/8 x 129 7/8 in
    • Felipe Pantone Chromadynamica #59, 2018 Spray paint on aluminum panel 180 x 50 cm 70 7/8 x 19 3/4 in
      Felipe Pantone
      Chromadynamica #59, 2018
      Spray paint on aluminum panel
      180 x 50 cm
      70 7/8 x 19 3/4 in
    • Felipe Pantone Chromadynamica Dimensional 4, 2021 UV paint on aluminum 200 x 120 x 120 cm 78 3/4 x 47 1/4 x 47 1/4 in
      Felipe Pantone
      Chromadynamica Dimensional 4, 2021
      UV paint on aluminum
      200 x 120 x 120 cm
      78 3/4 x 47 1/4 x 47 1/4 in
    • Felipe Pantone Integration System #6, 2018 Enamel and UV ink on aluminum composite panel 163 x 36 cm 64 1/8 x 14 1/8 in
      Felipe Pantone
      Integration System #6, 2018
      Enamel and UV ink on aluminum composite panel
      163 x 36 cm
      64 1/8 x 14 1/8 in
  • 艺术和建筑,约束限制,与可能性
    Felipe Pantone, Planned Iridescence #57, 2021, UV paint on PMMA and anodized aluminum,110 x 80 cm


    作为一项混合事业,Casa Variable对两位艺术家来说一项非常独特的挑战。对于Limón来说,找出如何将Felipe的世界愿景变成更为实用的东西便是他的难题。设计师必须确保这个项目符合设计和建筑的所有规则,这限制了Pantone的创作自由。但Pantone深知约束往往赋予与激发艺术家们的灵感。Felipe Pantone以与形形色色的品牌进行跨界合作而闻名,常将设计运用与与汽车、手表、白兰地瓶或自行车等物品。约束总是给我新的想法,”Pantone说。Casa Variable项目的出现使他用有了许多林林总总的想法,其中一个便是让他的作品在谷歌地球或谷歌地图上可见如果房子建好了,熟悉阿根廷或是西班牙艺术家风格的人就能这两者联系起来。这就是这个项目的基础概念:从上空望向我的作品,并意识到它是一座房子。


  • 作为一名设计师,艺术对我来说是无形的。设计是有形的,因为设计拥有规则,空间、大小、最为标准尺寸……我们将会面临的挑战是如何将Felipe的世界和愿景变成更为实用真实的东西。

    - Pablo Limón

    • Felipe Pantone and Pablo Limon, Chair #1, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Subtractive Variability Chair #1, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      UV paint on PMMA
      70 x 35 x 41 cm
      27 1/2 x 13 3/4 x 16 1/8 in
      Edition of 8
    • Felipe Pantone and Pablo Limon, Chair #2, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Subtractive Variability Chair #2, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      UV paint on PMMA
      70 x 35 x 41 cm
      27 1/2 x 13 3/4 x 16 1/8 in
      Edition of 8
    • Felipe Pantone Planned Iridescence #41, 2019 UV ink on PMMA 100 x 150 cm 39 3/8 x 59 1/8 in
      Felipe Pantone
      Planned Iridescence #41, 2019
      UV ink on PMMA
      100 x 150 cm
      39 3/8 x 59 1/8 in
    • Felipe Pantone, Planned Iridescence #57, 2021
      Felipe Pantone, Planned Iridescence #57, 2021
    • Felipe Pantone and Pablo Limon, Lamp, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Lamp, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      UV ink, PMMA, engraved aluminum
      160 x 20 x 20 cm
      63 x 7 7/8 x 7 7/8 in
      Edition of 8
    • Felipe Pantone Casa Variable Floor Plan 1, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021 Ink on paper 118 x 84 cm 46 1/2 x 33 1/8 in Edition of 300
      Felipe Pantone
      Casa Variable Floor Plan 1, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      Ink on paper
      118 x 84 cm
      46 1/2 x 33 1/8 in
      Edition of 300
      € 360.00
      Felipe Pantone, Casa Variable Floor Plan 1, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      € 360.00
    • Felipe Pantone and Pablo Limon, Casa Variable Plan A-11, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Casa Variable Plans, A-11_DETALLES ARQUITECTÓNICOS, collaboration with Pablo Limon, 2021
      Ink on paper
      42 x 29 cm
      16 1/2 x 11 3/8 in
    • Felipe Pantone and Pablo Limon, Mail Post, courtesy Danysz gallery
      Felipe Pantone
      Mail Post, Collaboration with Pablo Limon , 2021
      Engraved aluminum
      120 x 32 x 32 cm
      47 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 12 5/8 in
  • 关于Felipe Pantone

    Felipe Pantone, Subtractive Variability Circular #10, 2021, UV paint on PMMA, 150 cm in diameter

    关于Felipe Pantone

    从未有一场展览将 Felipe Pantone的语言展现得如此透彻从未有一场展览将这位艺术家对色彩光谱、运动转换变形、尺度、与材料的全神贯注如此具体化。当然,想想绘画,想想雕塑,再想想椅子、桌子、台灯、地毯…… Felipe Pantone愿意接受各种各样的媒介,使艺术融入生活,这与早期视觉艺术先驱愿景非常一致,比如 Victor VasarelyCarlos Cruz-Diez、与Yaacov AgamPantone的精神教父,在那个时代也为设计美学和建筑做出了非同小可的贡献。

  • Felipe Pantone于1986年出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯,他在西班牙南部长大。曾于利兹和巴伦西亚学习美术。他的作品一直在Danysz画廊和许多著名的国际机构展出,如美国的长滩博物馆、英国的兰开斯特艺术与历史博物馆、新加坡的滨海湾金沙艺术科学博物馆、巴黎的东京宫等。他与商业品牌的合作包括与Alpine、Puma、Samsung与Hennessy的项目。Felipe Pantone现居住于西班牙的巴伦西亚。
    photo Alessio Mose

    Felipe Pantone1986年出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯,在西班牙南部长大。曾于利兹和巴伦西亚学习美术。他的作品一直在Danysz画廊和许多著名的国际机构展出,如美国长滩博物馆、英国兰开斯特艺术与历史博物馆、新加坡滨海湾金沙艺术科学博物馆、巴黎东京宫等。他与商业品牌的合作包括与AlpinePumaSamsungHennessy的项目。Felipe Pantone现居住于西班牙的巴伦西亚

  • Pablo Limón是数字工作室NEWNEWNEW与SAVVY工作室的联合创始人和创意总监,同时也是PLDO设计工作室的创始人,该工作室专注于功能、分析、材料、视觉价值和可持续性。通过这些努力,Limón与Zara、Calvin Klein、The North Face和Timberland等品牌建立了广泛的合作关系。他现居住于马德里和墨西哥城。

    Pablo Limón是数字工作室NEWNEWNEWSAVVY工作室的联合创始人和创意总监,同时也是PLDO设计工作室的创始人,该工作室专注于功能、分析、材料、视觉价值和可持续性。通过这些努力,LimónZaraCalvin KleinThe North FaceTimberland等品牌建立了广泛的合作关系。他现居住于马德里和墨西哥城。

  • 通知我

    If you wish to be informed privately of Felipe Pantone's new projects and art in advance, please email us