Group Show: The drawing hand

22 June - 31 August 2019 Shanghai

The sixth edition of ?The Drawing Hand? exhibition, now a signature one at the gallery, retains the fundamentals that made the success of the previous editions. It involves artists coming from various geographical horizons - from French Ludo to Chinese Maleonn. No matter their usual practice this time around they are invited to recflect about the act of drawing. Additionally, to add more fun to the game, each of them invite another artist. This huge reunion of artists ends up at offering a pictorial language as varied as the myriad of interpretations suggested by the term ?drawing?, including artworks made of strings, ink, paper cutting, paper folding, writing, or digital drawing. Giving total freedom of interpretation to the artists, ?The Drawing Hand? offers a portrait of this rich and fertile ground.

On the white walls of the gallery, the artworks proliferate and spread all over in a dynamic and overwhelming exhibition layout. One imagines the connections between the works. One tries to guess who invited whom? The viewer is continuously surprised by an unexpected medium or seduced by the exquisiteness of a pencil stroke. Drawing unites all these different forms of expression, and the works echo each other.

Bringing together Huang Xiaoliang, Georges Rousse, Abdul Rahman Katanani, Song Xi, and many others, this exhibition invites us into the intimacy of the artistic gesture. It gives us to experience what Picasso used to say: ?Evidently one never knows what one is going to draw? but when one starts doing it, then a story is born, an idea? and there you go?.