Obvious: ART AND AI

25 May - 25 June 2024 Shanghai
Obvious is a French trio of leading artists in the field of AI Art. At the cutting edge of innovation in the art world, these pioneering visionaries explore the infinite possibilities offered by artificial intelligence for art creation.
At the crossroads of art and science, their interdisciplinary approach combines an exploration of the man-machine language of creation with a reinterpretation of art history. This unique symbiosis gives rise to works of beauty and complexity that defy expectations and inspire profound reflection on the nature of creativity and artistic expression.
Skillfully marrying traditional art with new technologies, Obvious creates works that capture the imagination and challenge traditional artistic conventions, pushing the boundaries of creativity and opening up new perspectives on the role of technology in contemporary art.
Early on in this field, they were revealed to the public in 2018 at Christie's New York with the first major sale of an artwork created using artificial intelligence. Obvious has continued to attract global attention thanks to their innovative approach and commitment to pushing the boundaries of digital art.
In collaboration with the University of Paris-Sorbonne, they created in 2023 an artificial intelligence research laboratory: Obvious Research. Supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR), the aim of this initiative is to develop new AI-based artistic tools in open source.
Now emblematic figures of AI Art, their international reputation has led them to exhibit in some of the world's most prestigious museums, including the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg (Russia), the Haus der Kunst in Munich (Germany) and collaborate with the K11 Foundation in Hong Kong as well as with the Paris National Opera.
Their next exhibition in October 2024 at Danysz - Paris is focusing on the breakthrough Mind-to-Eye project and has been selected by the Pompidou Centre to join in the celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the Surrealist movement.