"How sad to think that nature speaks
and mankind doesn't listen."- Victor Hugo
After having been displayed throughout the summer of 2022 under the vaults of the Collegiate Church of Saint-Pierre-le-Puellier as part of the partnership between the Metropolis of Orleans and Danysz Gallery, "Tumultes" is presented from January 28 to February 25, 2023 at Danysz Paris - Marais.
Icy and Sot, Liu Bolin, Robert Montgomery, Charles Pétillon, Rero and Saype, invite us to a deep reflection on the place of human beings in the world we live in.
Questioning through very different techniques the relationship to Human and Nature and to the Living, as well as the defense of the Environment – a major stake in our contemporary era – these artists from rich and various universes are all engaged in the exploration and embodiment of these issues. Indeed, these citizens of the world enlighten each in their own way the ecological stake with their tool of predilection: Art in the form of video, photo, performance or installation. Different mediums marked by their sensitivity to the world that surrounds us, with the idea of a contemporary art that raises questions and conveys poignant emotions and messages.
"Art definitely has the power to make change in our society. We believe the act of making art itself is political. We try to give the audience the opportunity to imagine a better world. The impact that a piece can have on someone’s day may be small, but it’s still an impact. We believe that the role of the artist is to deliver hope, advocate for freedom and raise awareness about the issues that are happening in their time."
- Icy and Sot -
Icy And Sot, Plastic Ban, 2018
"Some would say that I disappear into the landscape.
Personally, I would say that it is the environment that swallows me up."
- Liu Bolin -
Liu Bolin, Forest (large), 2013 - Photography
“I think melancholy is really interesting, because it is the creation of beauty from sadness…
It's only when we begin to destroy the planet that we realize we were living in paradise.”—Robert Montgomery
Robert Montgomery, All Palaces are Temporary Palaces, 2011
"These balloon invasions are metaphors. Their purpose is to change our perspective on things that we encounter every day without paying attention."
- Charles Pétillon -
Charles Pétillon, Mutations 1 (Large), 2014
"Art does not aim to resolve problems, but to generate questions, surges of conscience regarding the myriad issues in our world. Hence, the ecological nature of artistic creation, Rero’s ethical exigency pertaining to the new generation, as a gesture of moral resistance. To depict the constructive desire to live and to reflect upon social and political drift, despite a chaos that is always irreversible."
- Achille Bonito Olivia
Rero, Still Life, 2012
Saype Les contrebandiers de l'amitié, 2019
"I am convinced that humanity will better face its challenges, especially climatic ones, by remaining united. We are living in a time of history when mankind is turning in on itself. Our world is hyper-connected, but this globalization is not synonymous with sharing and coming together. This idea of wanting to close the borders is a view of the mind..."
- Saype -
Saype, World in Progress II, 2021
“Dialogue with nature remains a condition for the artist sine qua non.
The artist is man; he himself is nature, a piece of nature in the natural area.”
- Paul Klee -
Stay tuned for more
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